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Showing posts with label Arratoon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Arratoon. Show all posts

09 March 2014

Apcar Line Vessel Built in Glasgow in 1861

The Apcar Line ship,  'Arratoon Apcar' was built in Glasgow. Here is a newspaper snippet reporting that it was conducting sea trials after launch in 1861.  Later in 1863 it is commandeered by the military for use in New Zealand.

26 February 2014

David Melik Freedone Beglar v Arratoon Harrapiet Arrathoon 1854

David Melik Freedone Beglar sues Arratoon Harrapiet Arrathoon in Dacca 1854.

Mr. D.M.F. Beglar – Decreeholder
Mr. Arratoon Harrapiet Arrathoon – defendant.

To: The Sheriff of Calcutta
Civil Courts.


With reference to the warrant issued to you from this Court on the 27 June 1849 in the above case, I have the honour to forward to you a Roobkaree from the Principal Sudder Ameen of thes District dated 19 May last, soliciting at the request of the Decreeholder, that the amount of the Decree Rs. 1947-8-4-6 therein referred to, may with interesting, be realised from the effects of Mr. Arratoon Harrapiet Arrathoon Defendant, advertised for sale by you in satisfaction of a Decree in favour of Bebee Catherine Arrathoon.

I have the honour to be sir your most obedient servant
The Judge.
Zillah Dacca
The 14th July 1854.